Refund Policy.
If you register through the Wide Sky website payment platform, your deposit is non-refundable, acknowledging we need to hire staff, and budget our summer, in line with the number of signups for each experience.
Though the deposit is non-refundable, if you cancel due illness or death in the family, please let us know and we will see what we can do.
If you need to cancel well ahead of time (months) we will try our best to fill your spot and issue a refund IF we can do so.
We strongly encourange purchasing trip insurance to protect against travel problems and last minute cancellations. It’s only $100 and can reimburse you if something goes awry in your schedule.
Thank you for supporting our small business!
*A note about non-refundable deposits: most equine businesses operate on slim margins - horses are darn expensive. We are no different. We truly will do everything in our power to treat you fairly if we are the cause any changes in plans, or if you cancel early enough and we can refill your spot - we’ll let you off the hook wherever we can. We also end up losing our slim margins if people regularly cancel with refunds close to the trip. The flip side of the intimate group sizes of no more than 10 people, is that every person counts towards the experience budget.
The non-refundable deposits are geared towards our need to protect against losses: 1) we need to hire staff for the experience; and 2) If we had a few last minute withdrawals with refunds from the experience we very quickly will operate at a loss, which is why we can’t offer refunds.