Getting to the ranch

Blake Ranch

316 Otter Creek Rd,

Big Timber, MT 59011

When you arrive to the ranch:

You will see signs for Blake Ranch and Nursery on your right (coming from Big Timber).

Take this driveway east, across a cattle guard and follow it down and around until you come to a T with a red barn inside some corrals right in front of you. Turn left here (NOT right, or you will end up at the nursery), pass a house on your left, then pass two ponds, and keep coming straight until you see some canvas tents, a hay shed, corrals and our house.

We also have a business location if you use google maps, that will take you to our parking area.

Important forms to complete.

Each participant must complete and submit the questionnaire and waiver 3 weeks prior to their trip. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us.

Packing Lists:

Packing lists will be emailed prior to your trip. An example packing list is here —->

  • Packing List & Information

    Comfortable yoga or camp pants and shorts for evenings

    Sleepwear. It can cool off at night - sometimes into the 40s

    Warm hoodie or fleece/ sweatshirt


    Socks – length matched with your boots. One pair per day plus an extra in case


    Chinks/chaps or rainpants (optional). We may occasionally have a brief afternoon storm.

    Raincoat/ shell / riding slicker (NO PONCHOS).

    Warm winter hat for mornings & evenings & sleeping.

    Sun hat (baseball or wide-brim)


    Light puffy coat (down or synthetic both fine) for cool mornings/ evenings.

    Scarf to wet for hot days (optional).


    Camp shoes (e.g. comfy slip-ons, crocs, sandals or sneakers). Might want something closed-toed due to horses.

    Boots for riding. Mandatory smooth-soled with heel (classic cowgirl boots are great).

    Optional - water shoes for creek adventures


    Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss etc.

    Bug spray




    Personal medications you may need

    Optional wet wipes

    Hand sanitizer


    2 quart Water bottles or bladder (minimum carry 2 quarts).

    Headlamp & fresh batteries

    Sleeping bag (we have a few to loan out if needed).


    Phone charger battery pack plus phone cord.

    A book/ magazine/ journal for down time

    A few things to remember:

    We have a private outdoor shower for groups to share and you will be using an outhouse to do your business.

    You can plug your phone in next to the campground - but you may want an external battery pack to charge your phone in your tent.

    There is wifi near the campground, and those with Verizon generally have good service throughout the ranch.

    We provide towels and a washcloth

    We provide food, but you are welcome to bring a few of your own goodies / treats to share

    We do not provide booze - feel free to bring your own cocktails, wine, beer etc. We just ask you to bring plastic or aluminum cans (no glass), or boxed wine (for pack trip portion). We will stop on the ride to the ranch if you are using our airport shuttle.


    We carry a satellite InReach device for emergency use.

    We have an outhouse with toilet paper and hand sanitizer in the prairie camp and home base camp.

    We’ll provide water filters and / or clean water.

    We have helmets available for you to wear if you choose.

    We have wildlife out on the ranch but generally do not have to worry about bears near the home base camp.

    We have friendly ranch dogs that roam at large and will attempt to make friends with you throughout your stay.